Mental Health Resources
Local Resources
CCAP is Coventry’s largest health and social service agency and we would like to invite you on a brief tour of our facility and our services.
Located at 191 MacArthur Blvd, our state-of-the-art facility, housing our primary health care center, our behavioral health care center and our new dental center is ready to provide you and your family with quality affordable health services.
Call 401-467-9610
Block Island Medical Center
The Medical Center is a licensed ambulatory care facility striving to provide exceptional, patient-centered and evidence-based care in a confidential, respectful and caring environment. They extend and integrate care through their partnerships with visiting specialists and through a mainland referral network. The Center exists solely to ensure the health, safety and well being of island residents and visitors. It is the sole provider of health care on Block Island.
6 Payne Road, Block Island, RI 02807
Call 401-466-2974
Find Treatment
SAMHSA provides information on mental health services and treatment centers through an online service locator. You can search by your location, whether or not they provide services for youth, payment options (private insurance, cash, or something else), languages spoken, etc.
Find Treatment
Narragansett Indian Health Center
The services available through NIHC are for eligible Tribal Members and other eligible American Indians and Alaskan Natives (AI/AN) include direct onsite medical, community health nursing, and behavioral health care services and offsite Contract Health Services. Additional program components include advocacy and outreach services, injury prevention, nutrition services, prescription medications, and environmental health services. 51 Old Mill Road, Charlestown
Call 401-364-1268
Living Hope Christian Church
Living Hope Christian Church is a non-denominational church, 23 years in the making, that believes you are never truly alone when you have a relationship with your creator, God. We offer Bible-based teaching and counseling to help you find the answers to questions you struggle with and find the Godly solutions for issues of loneliness, depression, and anxiety.
Call (401)667-0775