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Stress Reduction

We don't always have the luxury to just avoid stressful situations, but we can equip ourselves with the tools to help make it manageable. Reducing stress and learning how to release stress in a healthy way, is very important for looking after our mental health. Explore these three categories to find what works best for you! 

Tips from Cytf (5).png

Healthy Distractions

Visit this page to find a variety of physical and virtual tools, activities, and more! 

Tips from Cytf (6).png

Engaging Senses

Visit this page to find a variety of physical and virtual tools, activities, and more! 


Comforts &


Visit this page to find a variety of physical and virtual tools, activities, and more! 

How to make your own:

"Stress Reduction First Aid Kit" 


This video breaks down what items we have in our stress reduction kit as well as what other personalized items that could work for you! 


3 De-Stessor Types

Stress Reduction Plan.png

Stress Reduction Plan

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