Chariho Community Challenge
The Four Pillars of Health support your overall well-being. The Chariho Community Challenge is a community activity in which we will encourage each other in strengthening and maintaining our own pillars of health.
We are calling on all residents of Richmond, Charlestown, and Hopkinton to inspire each other to be our best self. The better you are, the better we are! Exercise your power of influence and help make our community a place we are proud to call home.


Our brain needs sleep!! Sleep is when the brain undergoes repairs from the wear and tear of the day and replenishes itself for a new day. While the right amount of sleep is necessary for this task, sleep scientists agree that it’s not only the quantity of sleep that is important, it’s also the quality of sleep.
Strengthening the Nutrition Pillar requires two things: healthy food and healthy digestion. It's not just what we eat and drink that counts, it's how we eat that helps us to digest our food well.

Your surroundings greatly influence how you feel emotionally and physically. Which is GREAT news because you have the power to change how you feel by listening to your favorite song or going outside or taking a warm bath.
Moving every day with the intention of making your body stronger, leaner, and more flexible is a crucial key to feeling good. The type of movement doesn’t matter! Do something you enjoy! What matters is that you move every day and that you change it up every day.